Friday, October 16, 2015

Diary Entry

This newspaper really meant a lot to me because I know several of the Indians from Walla Walla and it upsets to me read about how they are being taken to a new reservation. I really hope that they find a way to have peace but the chances of that sound slim from reading this. I don't think it is fair that they don't have food prepared for them because food is a necessity and I really feel bad for them. I hope that since this is in the news that maybe there will be some people willing to help them out. It gives me a little bit of hope to know that there are nice Indians out there like the ones that helped get the stuff back that was stolen. Our community needs more people like that. On a more positive note, I really liked the advertisements in this newspaper. We actually have friends in town right now that are staying at the Parker House and we went to eat with them last night at the Walla Walla restaurant. I am pleased with what this newspaper is doing with our community. It is informing people about what is going which is a good thing and I really like the advertisements included. They are all the things that I would want for someone new or visiting to know about. I wish there wasn't so much negative going on but I guess it's good that the newspaper talks about it because it informs the community.


  1. I agree that its necessary to have news (good or bad) and attractions or things to do.

  2. I like how you incorporated some positive information in this. I know from reading some of the papers myself that it is hard to find positivity in them...

  3. Not many articles have nice things to say about the indians so it's cool to know that there were some around.

  4. I like how realistic you made the entry by saying you knew the Indians and you went to dinner at a restaurant recently with friends. It gave the entry legitimacy and made it more interesting to read.

  5. I like that this news paper said something nice about the indians. All the other newspapers have only had negative things to say about them. You really got into character. Great job!!!
