Monday, May 2, 2016

Research Process

In my research about the science behind climate change I have learned a lot. From this article I was surprised to see the graph that shows the massive increase in the carbon dioxide levels. It was interesting to learn about the evidence that the climate has been changing. Sea levels have risen about 16 cm in the last century, the global temperature has risen with and warmest 10 years have been in the last 12 years, the oceans have warmed about .302 degrees fahrenheit since 1969,  ice sheets have shrunken such as Antarctica who lost about 36 cubic miles of ice between 2002 and 2005.
      From this article I was once again surprised by another graph. The graph showed the huge rise in the global temperature. This site talked about the natural and human causes of climate change. I learned that some of the natural causes are variations in the energy from the sun, the way the earth orbits the sun, the way oceans transfer heat from one area to another, and volcanic activity. The biggest human cause is gas that is released into the air from cars and burning fossil fuels. 
      In this article, I learned that most of the warming of the past half century has been caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases. I was surprised to read what greenhouse gases came from such as burning fossil fuels for heat and energy, clearing forests, fertilizing crops, storing waste in landfills, raising livestock, and producing some kinds of industrial products.
 So far I have learned about the human and natural causes of climate change but next I need to look for the way the climate is predicted.

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