Friday, September 4, 2015

Paraphrase Practice

"The attack on Fort Wagner, which is the climax of the movie, comes as close to anything I've ever seen on screen to capturing the chaos and brutality that were particular to the Civil War battles. Weapons maimed as often as they killed. Soldiers were so disciplined that they marched in firm lines into the sights of guns fired at point-blank range. Hand-to-hand combat was commonplace." This is from New York Times.

Below I am going to paraphrase this passage:
The turning point of the film which was the attack on Fort Wagner is the most accurate scene of the craziness and violence from the battles of the Civil War that I have ever witnessed. The firearm that was used both injured and slaughtered. Due to the soldiers training, they stomped in straight, perfect lines into the visions of firearms being fired at close distances. Violence which where the men were fighting other men close-up was natural. 

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