Monday, November 30, 2015


Today after looking at several articles and graphs about migration I saw many trends. On the color wheel type graph from scientific american I noticed that most of the people would migrate to North America and Europe. I found it interesting that North America and Europe had the most people migrating away from their country also. I wonder why that is if that's where everyone seems to want to go why would they have so many people leaving those countries? And why Europe? I also am curious to know what caused the migration. I understand if it was because of a big event or crisis that occurred but if that didn't happen then what was their reasoning for migration? And a lot of the migration wasn't just a short travel it was a very long journey. I like the way all of the websites used graphs to illustrate the migration. The graphs that had a visual showing them leaving and to where they were going were better compared to the ones with just numbers and data. Looking at the color wheel graph I thought there would be a noticeable difference based on the different time periods but there wasn't. The same trend of people going to North America and Europe the most was still true. Looking at the graphs helped me understand where they were going and which areas had more immigrants than others but I want to know why and how they migrated. It would be cool to combine some of the things I looked at to where you could see where they were going with an arrow on a map and then click on the arrow and have a profile of someone saying why they were migrating.

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