Monday, November 16, 2015

The Bradley Martin Ball

1. The whole front page is about the ball. They assume they want the readers to know about the costumes and decorations. They think this is important and exciting.
2.  It was a sort of praising perspective, she is bragging on the ball. The way she describes it it seems to be amazing and she described everything so detailed in a positive way. We can learn that the ball was so well put together and everyone loved it and everyone should have been there.
3. The ball was criticized by a minister because he thought the ball was bad and that displaying wealth like that was ill and non christian. The newspaper probably showed his views because they were so different from everyone else's but it made sense as to why he didn't approve of it.
4.  We can learn that the society was very gossipy and they really enjoyed the ball and can't stop talking about it. They also seemed to be obsessed with their costumes and appearances and they all got to take photographs to remember the ball.

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