Monday, November 9, 2015

Thinking About Success

I would rank them like this:
1. Hard Work
2. Skill
3. Opportunity
4. Luck

I rank them this way because you don't have to be naturally skilled to be successful. You can work to get there. Hard work is vital to being successful because hard work always pays off and it is something you have control over. I ranked skill next because being skillful at what you're doing is important for success but you can work hard to be skillful. Then I ranked opportunity next because you don't always have to have the perfect opportunity to be successful. You hear stories all the time about the unskilled underdog becoming successful because of their determination. You don't need to sit around waiting for the perfect opportunity to be successful, you need to put it into action with your skill that came from hard work. Luck comes last because you can't rely on getting lucky to be successful. Sure, some people that you don't expect to be successful end up being so and you think wow they got lucky maybe I will. But you can't plan for luck or opportunity which is why I ranked them last.

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