Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How do you analyze a political cartoon?

I knew that to analyze a cartoon you are supposed to observe everything that you see and then take a guess about what you think is happening. I learned that after you look at everything and say what is happening you are supposed to say what you wonder about in the cartoon.

I used the guide from and it gives 3 steps:
1. OBSERVE: take note of what you see- all the words, details, possible symbols
2. REFLECT: say what is happening in the cartoon and what the author is trying to say about it and how did the author convey this
3.QUESTION: say what you wonder about the cartoon that you don't already know

Observe: I see people skipping and looking happy while holding American flags. I also see the hat in the middle says Cuba and that all three of the men look different. Reflection:This cartoon shows Cubans celebrating the 4th of July because the 4th of July in 1946 was when the Philippines got independence and July 4 for America was the adoption of the declaration of independence which is why they are holding American flags. To realize this I looked at the hat that said Cuba to know at least the ma in the middle is from Cuba and they were holding American flags. The caption at the bottom means that the Cubans are going to celebrate too because the Philippines and the US have something to celebrate on July 4th. The author is clearly showing happiness as they are skipping along and smiling and it is funny because the caption is "We're coming in on independence day celebrations, too." Question: I wonder when Cuba's independence day was, was it july 4?

I observe that this cartoon has a Cuban mother holding her son who looks ill or dead which is probably from the war. There is a vulture in the background which shows how bad the war is like a vulture. Reflection: When I first looked at this I saw the title "The Cuban Mother" which tells me that the lady in the cartoon is a mom so that means the man she is holding is probably her son. Since the mother has her hand over her face it means she is sad and her son looks sick or looks like he passed away. He passed away from the war. Then I saw the vulture in the back and I know that vultures are bad and have to do with dead things so it symbolizes how bad the war is and what it does to people. For the last step, question, I wonder what happened in the war to the son. 

When observing this cartoon, I notice that Uncle Sam is holding a fork labeled US that is crushing down on Hawaii and he is pushing other men away with his other hand. Then the bottom says, "You fellows will please stand back while I try these oyster sandwiches myself." When I am reflecting upon this cartoon, I know that the United States annexed Hawaii so that is what the fork labeled US crushing Hawaii means. I also relate the caption to Uncle Sam getting to "try" Hawaii like he said about the oyster sandwich as he pushes the others out of the way inferring that Hawaii is his. Finally as I question this cartoon, I wonder who the other men that Uncle Sam is pushing away are. What countries are they from?

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