Friday, January 29, 2016

The future

1. Predictions made 100 years ago include many things such as digital color photography, mobile phones, pre-prepared meals, television, police with xray, flying machines, moveable houses, moving sidewalks, and many other things. There are also many medical and science predictions such as cancer being cured and life being found on mars.

2. Most of the predictions were a wish rather than a warning. They hoped for many social and personal things such as tv, cell phones, waterwalk, moveable sidewalks. They were all wants and things that would make life easier rather than a necessity. All of the predictions made at the time were probably with an intent to better our country and many of them were but it could be argued that the technological achievements such as cell phones and tv has not been a good thing because it has corrupted our society and made it lazy.

3. Predictions that came true were the tv, cell phones, digital color photography, preprepared meals, and tanks. Predictions that are still out of reach are some flying machines, waterwalk, ship railway, and good weather machines. The predictions that did not come true seem reachable within the next few years, they are things I have hears people talk about. Its crazy to think that people predicted life would be found on another planet and sure enough recently there has been talk about water being found on mars.

4. People definitely seem to be anticipating a better world. When people make predictions they are making them believing that anything is possible and can be created. It seems that people are making "wishes" to make life easier and more enjoyable.

5. If I were to predict a future world my wish list would consist of traveling through time, robots, a permanent end to war, a cure for cancer, and many other things. At the rate the technological advances are going, it's hard to even imagine what we will have in the future because anything seems possible now...flying cars?? People are always talking about the negative impacts all of the new technology has, therefor, new technology may not be a good thing to wish for in the future.

6. As individuals we do not have very much control over the future it seems like. It takes larger groups with a lot of power to have control over the future and still then it seems like they don't have all of the control. I feel like the government has the most control over the future. Every time we have seen a drastic change in our world it is usually something that the government has done. The people that have the most knowledge, money, and power are in control.

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