Thursday, January 7, 2016


Today we did research to find out what the artifact was that Mrs. Lawson showed us. My job was to watch my group and notice what search terms they used and where they got their information from. They all started with googling the word phrenology because it was a new word to them. They found that phrenology meant mind and that the brain has different locations for different functions. Then they researched LN Fowler and began to find pictures of the head and more information about it. When researching, the best information came up when terms were combined such as Phrenology head, LN fowler, porcelain bust. It was found that there are real and fake models of these heads and they found pictures of the differences between them. Looking at images of what was being searched was a quick and easy way to get an idea of what it was and looked like. When researching, they found that the idea of the head was from another guy other than LN so then they searched that name which was a good way to find out more. The research started out broad and then it could be narrowed down after reading the results from the broad research and looking up specifics from those results.

Provenance is the place of origin or the beginning of somethings existence.

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