Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Brooklyn Bridge notes

-very interesting project/ rumors
-a project that the city is interested in
-interested in transportation
-they think it should be easy to do this
John Roebling Plans the Bridge-THe east river suspension bridge- september 21, 1867
  • all of new york is very excited about the bridge
  • several things will be able to pass over the bridge- horses, walkers, vehicles
  • An Explosion of Air- A marvelous accident in the caisson of the east river bridge-September 27,1870
  • problems with the caisson
  • progressivism will have problems along the way when trying to do something new
  • a veteran was on duty as a watchman and water and mud all of a sudden bursted out of the shaft 
  • the water shot up so much it broke the dipper
  • A Caisson Catches Fire- East River Bridge Caisson On Fire- December 3, 1870
  • caisson caught on fire from a candle that the workmen had
  • will cost 175,000$
  • once again problems with making something new that will cost a lot of money
  • a bump in the road for the process
  • One of the Bridge Cables Snaps- June 20, 1878
  • bridge cable snaps and injures people
  • another problem
  • the problems seem to come with consequences whether it be having to spend more money or people being injured
  • planning to move forward- the way its linked to progressivism
  • money from city government that the progressives were very excited about
  • 14 years and 15 million dollars
  • people were excited to progress
  • The Bridge Company Is Investigated- Brooklyn Bridge Builders- may 13, 1873
  • accused of fraud but after investigation it was found that they are fine
  • Account of the Official Opening Day-Brooklyn Bridge Horror- Twelve killed, twenty-six injured- May 31, 1883
  • people killed and injured from fainting because the bridge was so crowded and jammed
  • people were too excited that the bridge was so crowded it caused problems
  • later they had to get police to thin out the crowds on the bridge
  • Robert Odlum, the First Man to Jump from the Bridge- Poor "Bob" Odlum- May 20, 1885
  • man lost his life after jumping off the bridge
  • someone else jumped off at an attempt to commit suicide but he made it out uninjured

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