Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ch 20 mc

1. All of these were an issue that caused movements EXCEPT:
A. Woman suffrage
B. Racial Equality
C. Working condition
D. Rights of labor
E. Rise of crime

2. All of these were progressive impulses EXCEPT:
A. The spirit of anti monopoly
B. The importance of social cohesion
C. A deep faith in knowledge
D. Belief in the importance of equality.
E. They believed industrialization and urbanization produced an abundance of social problems.

3. All of these are true about the Muckrakers EXCEPT:
A. They were committed to exposing scandal, corruption, and injustice to public view.
B. The muckrakers argued that the government needed to be left in the hands of the leaders rather than the community.
C. One of their major targets were the railroads.
D. The most influential was Lincoln Steffens.
E They were journalists.

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