Monday, February 29, 2016

WW1 propaganda

1. I know that propaganda is media that is used to promote politics.
2. Propagandaideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.
The following questions are based on these images
4. For the first image I first notice the large words saying "Come on, boys! Do your duty! By enlisting now! Then my eye is drawn to the man on a horse in the middle holding a flag and then I realize that only three colors are being used which are orange, yellow, and brown. I also notice that the flag has an m and a 3 on it. 
For the second image my eye is first drawn to the words saying "I want you for u.s. army" then I notice the large Uncle Sam pointing towards the reader. Then I see the smaller words that say nearest recruiting station and note that only red, white, and blue are being used. 
For the third image my eye is first drawn to the girl in a navy outfit then I read the words that say,"I want you for the navy." I note that the words are capitalized and underlined. Last I read the smaller words at the bottom that say, "promotion for anyone enlisting apply any recruiting station on postmaster."There are several colors being used in this image. 
My eye is always drawn to whatever is largest in the image first whether it be the words or a person and then I read the larger words before the smaller ones. 
5. For the first image the artist was hoping that the reader would feel the need to do their duty and join the army. It almost makes the boys feel guilty for not joining the army because this image says it is their duty with exclamation marks.
For the second image the author is wanting the reader to feel wanted by the army. I can tell this because the picture of uncle Sam is pointing at YOU and saying he wants you for the army. The author is hoping that if you are wanted then you will join the army. 
For the third image the author is hoping that the reader will join the navy because you are wanted. This is the same as the second one because they are saying that they specifically want you and they underline and capitalize the word you. The author is using an image of a pretty girl to catch the readers attention and make it seem like that pretty girl wants you. 
6. The ideal audience for all of these posters is obviously men. 
For the first one the author is assuming that if the boys know it is their duty and role to join the army then they will. 
For the second and third one the author is assuming that if the reader feels wanted then they will join the navy/ army. 
7. I am comfortable with the government spending tax dollars for propaganda because without it no one would know about it. It is important to spread awareness and these posters make it easy and catch people's eyes. The posters must be used in the right way though, it is not worth it if there are going to be posters with fake information. 
8. The federal government probably felt that the propaganda was necessary because it was the only way to really convince and persuade the people. 

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